Lars Eilebrecht

 Name:    Lars Eilebrecht

 IRC:     Shadowfox
 Address: Glück-Auf-Straße 23
          57223 Kreuztal
 Amiga:   A3000

Technical Data:

    Date of birth:  24. march 1972
    Place of birth: Siegen-Weidenau, Germany
    Height:         1.97 metres (77.6 inches)
    Weight:         82.7325 kg (182.3939 pounds)
    Eye color:      grey/blue
    Hair color:     brown

What happened so far:

The first 6 years of my life I spend (obviously) at home. but 1978 I entered the primary school in Kreuztal (Germany). I spend four years there and in 1982 I changed to an other school (in germany it's called "Realschule"). The first computer I owned was a Commodore 64 and in 1988 I bought my first Amiga computer, an Amiga 500.

The same year I bought my first Amiga I changed school again. In germany called "Gymnasium" (best compared with "high school"). I finished school in 1991 with the advanced level exam. Apart from my english language skills (that are sometimes somewhat funny, as you can see in this text ;-)) I also learned the basics of the french language.

Short time after I got my advanced level exam I bought an Amiga 3000 which is still in use.

After that I had to go to the german army for one (in my eyes useless) year. After I finished this holiday I entered the University of Siegen. In 1992 I started my study of computer sciences and electronic engineering. I hope to finish my diploma in 1997.

Things I like...

Things I really don't like...

Things I like, but didn't find time for...

My 10 best slogans:

  1. Reality is only a simulation and it's still in beta testing.
  2. You don't have to be crazy to live in this planet... but it helps.
  3. I love my job; it's the work I can't stand.
  4. A hacker does for love what others would not do for money. (Creighton)
  5. My only regret in life is that people still take me seriously.
  6. I may have my faults, but being wrong isn't one of them.
  7. I have always been crazy, but it kept me from going insane.
  8. Life is too important to be taken seriously.
  9. LSD melts in your mind, not in your hands.
  10. Programmers do it all night long.

Some nice pictures:

Attention: These pictures may cripples your mind! ;-)

[Crazy Picture] Crazy
[Gotcha!] Gotcha
[keep smiling...] ActionCam

And last but least... What's my job with the Meeting Pearls CDs?

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